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    Empowerment Through Technology™



Desktop Support

Computer Minded’s desktop support services reduce overall IT costs and streamline the management of its clients' computing resources. We provide a flexible approach that allows us to customize our services to meet each client’s specific needs and to evolve with the organization's requirements. This results in simplified end-user support and improved security – allowing our customers to focus on core business objectives.

We provide a single point of contact for managing end-user requests. From multi-vendor asset management, warranty repairs, software support and network and remote access to handling a wide range of end-user generated questions, our Desktop Support Team provides you with a reliable and cost-effective IT support solution.

Computer Minded performs the following tasks on a regular basis:

· Individual user training

· Account unlocks

· Password resets

· Equipment installation

· Software upgrades

· Application-specific assistance

· Peripheral support

· Troubleshooting hardware and software at desktop

· Remote control assistance for remote sites