Project Planning and Development is the initial step in designing the best solution for meeting your technology needs. Developing a Risk Management plan to which would allow us to identify would be regulatory, health, and financial risks as well as During this step we also conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis and Feasibility study.
Technology Bridge is an extension of Computer Minded Corporation a for profit business entity, therefore identifying an Non-Profit partner within the community in which to partner with is one of our top priorities during the initial stages of planning and development. Partnering with a not for profit organization brings needed leverage to the project when donated equipment and grants will be a part of our solution.
We follow a series of tasks to accomplish task:
- Requirements Analysis - We analyze the needs of your community or organization through interviews, community forums, and fact finding. Identify key business partners and stakeholders.
- Design - We then apply the information gathered from step 1 to determine the best service level designs that address your particular challenges. For example, broadband over power lines in extremely rural areas versus traditional phone or cable connections.
- Development - Converts the design into a complete working prototype. Install system environment (network drops, wireless components) within residences and Access Points. Prepare test case procedures, collaborate with key business partners and stakeholders.
- Installation - deliver and install hardware equipment and software applications to the agreed upon locations, such as Access Points, Training Rooms, or residences. Once installed the systems are then tested for proper operation as well as perform an inventory of installed software.
Project Planning & Development is crucial but it does not stand alone in the overall success of the Technology Bridge program. There are other important facets such as sourcing, refurbishing of equipment, and technical support which are all inter-dependent of one another.